Welcome message from the Principal

‘Every child is special; every child deserves to excel.’

Guided by our mission statement, we encourage all our pupils to strive and persevere to be whoever they want to be in life. At NBFA, the welfare of each child is paramount and we believe that every pupil deserves to excel at something.
Our aim is to encourage students to be independent, confident and full of self-belief and we do this with a system of positive feedback, appreciation and rewards. We provide equal opportunities to all our students to fulfil their potential and to flourish through learning, exploration and being inquisitive.
We believe that once children discover a love for learning, they can achieve anything they want. We are here to personally assess the skills and strengths of every students and provide genuine support to nurture and develop them to become globally competitive scholars in chosen sectors.
Moreover, we adopt various approaches and programmes to motivate our students to be responsible towards the community, country and the planet from an early age. Our vision is to embody eco-friendly curriculum and practices which will help every person to become aware of and accountable for the impact they have in creating an environmentally and equitably sustainable future.
While we provide well-rounded education during their school years, we also assist them in building up an ethically competitive and sustainable foundation for life. We do not rely merely on text-books, we teach our students to dream and help them to achieve their dreams. We welcome you all to join us in this auspicious mission of establishing NBFA’s style of education system where grades are important but love for learning and developing self-belief and real life-skills are equally important.

Sharmila Kunwar


Our mission is to become well renowned and globally recognized academic institution operating various dynamics of education from PG to higher secondary level with affiliation from government of Nepal and other international awarding bodies. The objective of NBFA is to provide inclusive environment to children to nurture their talent and skills and to boost academic performance. We aim to create an interactive learning environment and encourage parents' active involvement in assessing learning needs and monitoring performance and progress.


NBFA is driven to be the world class organization that develops the child to be independent, self-motivated and has the conviction to solve the problems individually. We envision to work for the betterment of the society, nation and planet by producing socially responsible scholars from an early age. While we adopt globally competitive curriculum supported by latest modes of technology and co-curricular activities, we also provide positive atmosphere for preserving ethical values, traditions and cultures.

Corporate Values

The accountability for corporate responsibility rests with our corporate and education leaders who are committed to work ethically. We aim to be known for leadership edge, passion for high standards, respect for diversity and commitment to create exceptional opportunities for professional growth so that associates can fulfill their highest potential.

The drive behind NBFA as a green (eco-friendly) school

Green School Philosophy

It is obvious that our ‘Mother Earth’ is currently facing lot of environmental concerns such as global warming, acid rain, air pollution, waste disposal, ozone layer depletion, water pollution, climate change and many more issues. Due to the exploitation of natural resources and degradation of our environment, we have seen natural disasters striking us more often than before. We at NBFA believe that even small actions and efforts combined together can create a significant impact on protecting our planet. Hence, we are proud to announce that we will be transforming our school to an exemplary green (eco-friendly) school of Nepal. We cordially invite the students, teachers, parents and members of the community to join hands and support this auspicious mission.

About Our


Large Playground

Indoor Desks


Wide Open Green Space

Outdoor Desks



Sharmila Kunwar

Jagat Shekhar Dhakal

Ramila K.C.

How we run our day

Time Table

Class Start 9:30

Daly Class Start

Lunch Break 10:50 - 11:20

Lunch Time

Short Break 12:40 - 12:45

Break for Fresh

Snacks Break 2:05 - 2:25

Snacks Break